Sunday, 20 February 2011

Day of the dead Work

Heres a few D.O.T.D female faces Ive enjoyed working on over the past few months. I keep the hair in a traditional style, simple lines, lots of black and then have fun getting some nice fleshtones in the skin. DEAD good fun. Ahem.

Really had fun With this one.... Did this over 2 sessions

A cheeky little 2 hour number here. Still Healing in this one.

Upcoming work...

Starting work on this Sugar skull inspired storm trooper in a couple of weeks....I love startrek.

I find these helmets a bit phallic, I did this on a dashing young dandy called Adam.

Rock and Roll Sunday

Heres the first drawing of Simons music inspired piece for the top of his arm

We managed to get this done in the first session, after a little redrawing directly on....

Friday, 18 February 2011

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Marcus The Muckster Tattoo Is Here

Im going to be using this blogspot to post up ongoing tattoo work, new pieces and artwork, along with whats going on with my studio, Kids Love Ink, In deptford London. Enjoy!